Configurator dealers

Our hearts beat for Carthago because it enables us to live comfortably in all the places in Europe where we can live out our dreams

Our dealer Choose Leisure tells us why their hearts beat for Carthago

Our top-fans Ray and Maria tell us why their hearts beat for Carthago

Stephen: "My heart beats für Carthago because it gives us so much pleasure and freedom."

Kim: "My heart beats for Carthago becauset he build quality is amazing and I love that you can go somewhere new at the turn of the key."

Kath: "My heart beats for Carthago because of the ease of driving this wonderful vehicle knowing it is strong against all odds and to all the wonderful new places."

Steve: "My heart beats for Carthago because of the innovative design and high quality construction that gives me the freedom to enjoy my life and leisure time."

Simon: "My heart beats for Carthago because it is the vehicle which achieves our dreams, shares adventures and builds memories."

Valerie: "My heart beats for Carthago because of it’s sleek lines comfort beds and very schick looks."

Philip: "My heart beats for Carthago because it brings me joy whereever I go."

Joanne: "My heart beats for Carthago because tt’s not until you own one that you realise how good they are."

Andy: "Our hearts beat for Carthago because it enables us to live comfortably in all the places in Europe where we can live out our dreams."

Philip: "My heart beats for Carthago because all the little things add up to quality."

Mathias: "My heart beats for Carthago because of design, quality and technical solutions."

Dick: "My heart beats for Carthago because of the comfort and the design."

Emanuel: "My heart beats for Carthago because every time I get inside it brings a big smile to my face."

Ashley: "My heart beats for Carthago because it affords us absolute freedom."