Configurator dealers

More comfort, more self-sufficiency, more independence.


The A-class chic e-line impresses with its unique “emotionale" furniture design, the two level room concept and the tremendous living area height of 211 cm. The self-sufficiency champion is more exclusive and comfortable than ever before. The large round seating area with luxury living area table and wide side seat bench invites you to spend time in the living area. The comfort corner kitchen has a pull-out kitchen work surface with worktop extension. The comfort luxury bathroom of the A-class chic e-line scores points with a completely separable changing room, creating sufficient room and privacy for undisturbed freshening up. The large, heated double floor with a usable height of up to 70 cm provides a sufficient amount of storage space. This is conveniently accessible from both the outside and the inside.

Different layouts, two basic vehicles, plus two worlds of style and numerous worlds of living in the interior are available for fulfilling your individual requirements. This luxury motorhome leaves nothing to be desired, and impresses with its appealing design and outstanding living comfort. Discover the diversity, and design your chic e-line motorhome completely in accordance with your requirements.

I 50 LE | I 50 LE DA | I 51 QB | I 51 QB DA

chic e-line XL
The XL crown jewel with maximum payload reserves

The XL layouts of the A-class chic e-line with double axle and permissible gross weight of up to 5.5 t score points with even more comfort on your travels. This begins with the XL round seating area with the long, pull-out side sofa, and continues with the XL bathroom with separate toilet room, open washing area, spacious round shower and completely separable changing room.

I 61 XL LE | I 64 XL QB

235 l
fresh water
185 l
waste water
warm water central heating
Innenansicht chic e-line linea chiara

world of style chiara

chic e-line I 61 XL LE

Innenansicht chic e-line linea nobile

world of style linea nobile

chic e-line I 50 LE

Innenansicht chic s-plus Stilwelt linea chiara

world of style linea chiara

chic e-line I 61 XL LE

Innenansicht Sitzgruppe chic e-line Stilwelt linea nobile

world of style linea nobile

chic e-line I 50 LE

Innenansicht chic e-line linea chiara
Innenansicht chic e-line linea nobile
Innenansicht chic s-plus Stilwelt linea chiara
Innenansicht Sitzgruppe chic e-line Stilwelt linea nobile

chic e-line layouts & 360° experiences.


You are guaranteed to find the right layout, including all of the associated technical data, using our practical filter function. And/or you can immerse yourself in our new, interactive 360° tours and discover your integrated motorhome with all of its special features.

    chic e-line I 50 LE
    Fiat Ducato
    7890 mm
    Gross weight
    4,5 - 4,8 t
    ₤ 158.940,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 50 LE DA
    Fiat Ducato
    7890 mm
    Gross weight
    5,0 - 5,5 t
    ₤ 164.220,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 51 QB
    Fiat Ducato
    7910 mm
    Gross weight
    4,5 - 4,8 t
    ₤ 159.950,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 51 QB DA
    Fiat Ducato
    7910 mm
    Gross weight
    5,0 - 5,5 t
    ₤ 165.180,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 61 XL LE
    Fiat Ducato
    8590 mm
    Gross weight
    5,0 - 5,5 t
    ₤ 172.070,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 64 XL QB
    Fiat Ducato
    8840 mm
    Gross weight
    5,0 - 5,5 t
    ₤ 172.610,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 50 LE DA
    Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
    8080 mm
    Gross weight
    5,0 - 5,5 t
    ₤ 163.710,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 51 QB DA
    Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
    8110 mm
    Gross weight
    5,0 - 5,5 t
    ₤ 164.670,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 61 XL LE
    Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
    8780 mm
    Gross weight
    5,0 - 5,5 t
    ₤ 171.650,–
    configure now
    chic e-line I 64 XL QB
    Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
    9030 mm
    Gross weight
    5,0 - 5,5 t
    ₤ 172.190,–
    configure now

    chic e-line exterior.


    • Fiat Ducato 40 heavy single axle or double axle, AL-KO low frame special Carthago chassis with 198 wide wheelbase rear axle
    • Safety package as standard: Airbag, ABS, ESP, ASR, electronic immobiliser, hillholder, Traction Plus, trailer stability control, collision braking system, automatic start/stop, cruise control, side wind assistant (single axle)



    Discover the highlights which the exterior of the A-class chic e-line provides in addition to the appearance.
















    Visibility equals safety: You have a view of the road sooner with the chic e-line A-class. The special sitting position while driving, the extra-large upwards and downwards viewing angle, the extra-low windscreen and the dashboard front which slopes steeply forwards provide visual contact with the road surface after just 2.77 m (on the Fiat chassis).


    The typical Carthago curved roof is not only an unmistakeable design element, but with the frame members on the inside, it makes a decisive contribution to the rigidity of the main cabin. And all of this without any thermal bridges whatsoever. Another safety plus: reduced sensitivity to side wind.


    The GRP exterior provides protection from hail, and the aluminium on the inside gives you protection from lightning strikes at the same time. The aluminium interior also takes over the function of heat storage in the winter.


    Deep lowering of the scooter garage means maximum storage space and minimum effort when loading. An extremely strong wall to floor connection due to form-fitted and bonded frame members provides a load-bearing capacity of up to 450 kg.


    Provides all-round protection. The top and bottom are made from GRP, and between them there is a hard foam insulating core made from RTM Styrofoam. The high-stability floor has lifelong protection against humidity and rotting.


    Provided at both sides via a high-stability frame member. Similarly to aircraft construction, it is form-fitted and bonded along the entire length. And if the worst comes to the worst, it has the effect of side collision protection. An integrated thermal bridge stop reliably prevents any thermal bridges.


    Having aluminium not just on the exterior but also on the interior of the walls is a prerequisite for efficient heat storage. This produces the typical Carthago well-being climate. The homogeneous heat radiation acts like a wall heater.


    Wherever possible, attention is paid to segmentation during the development of the main body components. In event of damage, this makes replacement easier and saves money. For example, there is a separately replaceable rear bumper at the rear of every vehicle.


    with dipped beam, main beam and LED daytime driving lights for perfect illumination and excellent visibility.


    mit extrastarker und stabiler Tür, verbreitertem Durchgangsmaß 63 cm und großem Türfenster. Der chic e-line bietet Ihnen auch das optionale Paket "Aufbautür Luxus" mit elektrischer Zuziehhilfe zum leisen Schließen, zusätzliche LED-Beleuchtung im Türfenster für Funktion "coming & leaving home", schlüsselloses Zugangssystem via RFID-Chip und elektrische Türöffnungsunterstützung von innen und außen.


    With individually programmable privacy and sun visor function.


    Aluminium on the roof and the inner walls provides protection like a Faraday cage. Additional lightning conductors in the chassis significantly * increase this protection effect. This was proven by the lightning protection test: a Carthago main cabin provides verified protection against lightning strikes!

    chic e-line Highlight.


    More storage space - more room for your holiday!
    Thanks to the unique double floor and many extra-deep storage compartments, the A-class motorhomes in the chic e-line model range have plenty of room for your entire holiday luggage! We don’t just concentrate on volume alone during development, but also ease of access during loading and unloading, and protection from frost.


    Your advantages at a glance.
    • + Double floor with large heated storage compartment with usable height of up to 70 cm
    • + Access from the exterior via several large hatches
    • + Convenient interior access via the seat bench cover of the round seating area, the swing-up side seat bench and the large living area floor hatch
    • + Large, central through-loading space (interior height up to 22 cm) with deeply lowered storage compartment (usable height up to 46 cm), also conveniently loadable through the XL habitation door via the large, self-supporting living area floor hatch
    • + The entire double floor is heated with a climate storage function and underfloor heating effect

    Scooter garage

    Load from the outside

    Unload from the inside

    Loading from the outside

    Loading from the outside

    Unload from the inside

    Unload from the inside

    Scooter garage

    Scooter garage

    with large interior height thanks to deep lowering, access from both sides via two large scooter garage doors at the driver and passenger sides, and loadable up 450 kg.

    Load from the outside

    Convenient loading of the double floor storage compartment via a large external hatch.

    Unload from the inside

    Easy removal of the storage compartment contents from the inside via the lift-up seat bench cover of the round seating area with patented fitting.

    Loading from the outside

    Large, additional double floor storage compartment with separate exterior hatch (depending on model).

    Loading from the outside

    Convenient loading of the double floor storage compartment via a large external hatch.

    Unload from the inside

    Convenient removal of the contents via the swing-up side seat bench.

    Unload from the inside

    Large living area floor hatch in the entrance area: Also conveniently loadable from the outside with the XL habitation door open

    Scooter garage

    with large interior height thanks to deep lowering, access from both sides via two large scooter garage doors at the driver and passenger sides, and loadable up 450 kg.

    On the example of chic e-line I 50 LE



    chic e-line interior.


    Durchsicht des Innenraums eines Reisemobils von der Sitzgruppe im Vordergrund und des Schlafbereichs im Hintergrund

    linea chiara world of style

    as standard

    Durchsicht eines integrierten Wohnmobils mit der Stilwelt linea nobile

    linea nobile world of style


    chic e-line interior.


    You have the choice between countless worlds of living for the A-class chic e-line. Our upholstery collections are not just good to look at, but they also have numerous practical advantages:

    • Highly effective stain protection: Liquids do not penetrate into the fabrics, meaning that the majority of stains can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth.
    • Excellent anti-fade properties
    • Hard-wearing and easy to look after
    • Washable curtains and decorative cushion covers
    • Antibacterial mattress cover
    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Barcelona" im Wohnmobil


    Standard equipment

    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Venezia" im Wohnmobil


    Standard equipment

    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Teilleder Elfenbein" im Wohnmobil

    Ivory part leather


    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Teilleder Macchiato" im Wohnmobil

    Macchiato part leather


    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Leder Elfenbein" im Wohnmobil

    Ivory leather


    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Leder Sand" im Wohnmobil

    Sand leather


    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Leder Macchiato" im Wohnmobil

    Macchiato leather


    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Leder Sand Performance" im Wohnmobil

    Sand Performance leather


    Nahaufnahme der Wohnwelt "Leder Macchiato Performance" im Wohnmobil

    Macchiato Performance leather


    chic e-line interior.


    Maximum living comfort has top priority in our A-Class chic e-line. A cosy round seating area and a spacious comfort corner kitchen with a pull-out kitchen worktop await you.

    The bathroom including changing room scores points with privacy and plenty of room, and the comfortable beds with the medically recommended, point elastic Carawinx sleeping system provide the necessary comfort in the sleeping area.

    Use your imagination.


    Grundriss des Wohnraums eines integrierten Wohnmobils mit der Ansicht des Hubbetts und breiter Seitensitzbank

    Models I 50 LE, I 50 LE DA, I 51 QB, I 51 QB DA

    Large round seating area with wide side seat bench

    Grundriss des Wohnraums eines integrierten Wohnmobils mit der Ansicht des Hubbetts und langem Seitensofas

    Models I 61 XL LE, I 64 XL QB

    Spacious XL round seating area with long side sofa

    Wohnraum eines integrierten Wohnmobils mit Blick in die Küche

    Two-level room concept with extra-high living area headroom of 211 cm

    All models

    Ansicht des Dachschrank-Designs mit offenen Ablagen und dem Carthago C-Brand

    Overhead cabinet design with open shelving and Carthago C-branding above round seating area

    All models

    Draufsicht auf die Wohnsitzgruppe mit dem Luxus Wohnraumtisch mit Echtholz-Rundprofil

    Luxury living room table with real wood round profile and chrome piping

    All models

    Ausziehbarer Wohnraumtisch inmitten der Wohnsitzgruppe eines Wohnmobils

    Pull-out living area table (optional))

    Models I 61 XL LE, I 64 XL QB

    Sitzpolster im Wohnraum eines integrierten Wohnmobils mit komfortabler Ergonomie

    Living area seat upholstery with comfortable ergonomics and side leather panels with Carthago C branding

    All models

    Langes Seitensofa im Wohnbereich eines integrierten Reisemobils

    Long side sofa including pull-out sitting / sleeping area and storage space access

    Models I 61 XL LE, I 64 XL QB

    Auszugsystem des Smart LED Flachbildschirms im Wohnraum eines Wohnmobils

    Smart 32" LED TV including “Quick up” TV pull-out system behind side seat bench backrest (optional)

    Models I 50 LE, I 50 LE DA, I 51 QB, I 51 QB DA

    Elektrisch ausfahrbares System für einen Smart LED Flachbildschirm im Wohnbereich eines Reisemobils

    Smart 40" LED TV including electric TV pull-out system (optional)

    Models I 61 XL LE, I 64 XL QB

    Ausdrehbarer Schuhschrank mit Platz für bis zu vier Paar Schuhen

    Swivel-out shoe cabinet with holding system for up to four pairs of shoes integrated in the seat bench plinth, with electric central locking in the kitchen area

    All models 

    Ansicht des Hubbetts in vorderen Bereich eines Reisemobils mit Kissen und Decken

    Biggest drop-down bed in its class above driver’s cabin (195 x 160 cm)

    All models (except Mercedes-Benz single axle vehicle)


    Zwei Dachfenster mit Panoramablick und abgehängtem Innenhimmel im Fahrerhaus eines Wohnmobils

    “Sky Dream Comfort” with two large panoramic skylights, suspended roof liner and all-round overhead storage cabinets above the driver’s cabin (optional)

    All models



      Küchenbereich eines Wohnmobils mit hellen Fronten und vielen Schubladen

      Models I 50 LE, I 50 LE DA, I 51 QB, I 51 QB DA

      Comfort corner kitchen
      • Elegantly curved worktop, extended into the round bathroom wall at the side
      • Slide-out storage cabinet integrated in round bathroom wall
      • Pull-out kitchen work surface as worktop extension with easily accessible storage space, bottle holder and two waste bins
      • Kitchen work surface with vertical waveform for visual separation of the living area
      • Designer bar cupboard with glass set and interior lighting
      • Coffee machine lift, can be pulled downwards out of overhead storage cabinet (optional)
      • Sink cover can be used as additional worktop/chopping board
      • Electric central locking for the entire kitchen area including pull-out work surface, bar cabinet and shoe cabinet; automatic locking while driving
      • “Profi Gourmet” 3-ring hob with divided glass cover, robust cast-iron trivet and easy-clean glass base
      • 153 l fridge with door that opens at both sides and separate freezer compartment
      • Designer mixer tap in metal with pull-out spray head
      Übersicht der Küche eines Reisemobils mit hellen Fronten und integriertem Backofen

      Models I 61 XL LE, I 64 XL QB

      XL comfort corner kitchen
      • Elegantly curved worktop, extended into the round bathroom wall at the side
      • Floor-to-ceiling slide out storage cabinet integrated in the round bathroom wall
      • Pull-out kitchen work surface as worktop extension with easily accessible storage space, bottle holder and two waste bins
      • Kitchen work surface with vertical waveform for visual separation of the living area
      • Designer bar cupboard with glass set and interior lighting
      • Coffee machine lift, can be pulled downwards out of overhead storage cabinet (optional)
      • Sink cover can be used as additional worktop/chopping board
      • Electric central locking for the entire kitchen area including pull-out work surface, bar cabinet and shoe cabinet; automatic locking while driving
      • “Profi Gourmet” 3-ring hob with divided glass cover, robust cast-iron trivet and easy-clean glass base
      • 153 l fridge with door that opens at both sides and separate freezer compartment
      • Designer mixer tap in metal with pull-out spray head


        I 50 LE

        I 51 QB

        Models I 50 LE, I 50 LE DA, I 51 QB, I 51 QB DA

        Comfort luxury bathroom with changing room
        • Solid luxury bathroom door with interior hinges, metal handle and door lock
        • Single level bathroom floor
        • Large bathroom/toilet
        • Large mirror cabinet with shelving
        • Wash stand base unit with plenty of storage space and numerous shelves
        • Spa rain shower with roof dome above including blackout blind, headroom beneath rain shower 198 cm
        • Shower room design with dark granite look, indirectly illuminated corner pillar and shower walls with marble design, including clothes hooks
        • Waterproof shower inlay, removable for cleaning
        • Floor-to-ceiling wardrobe (I 50 LE)
        • Room partitioning and a changing room that is separable from the living/sleeping area are created in just a few steps

        I 61 XL LE

        I 64 XL QB

        Models I 61 XL LE, I 64 XL QB

        XL bathroom with changing room
        • XL bathroom with separate toilet, open washing area and spacious round shower
        • Spacious mirror and wash stand base unit
        • Separate toilet with towel warmer, legroom extension, side window and Mini-Heki skylight
        • XL round shower with waterproof shower insert in same design as living area floor (removable for cleaning)
        • Shower room design with dark granite look, indirectly illuminated corner pillar and shower walls with marble design, including clothes hooks
        • Floor-to-ceiling wardrobe
        • Wooden sliding door including full length mirror
        • Additional warm water underfloor heating: additional heating coils in bathroom double floor area
        • Room partitioning and a changing room that is separable from the living/sleeping area are created in just a few steps


          Schlafbereich eines integrierten Reisemobils mit Längeinzelbetten und vielen Dachschränken für optimalen Stauraumnutzen

          Models I 50 LE, I 50 LE DA, I 61 XL LE

          Lengthways single beds with adjustable head sections
          • Carawinx sleeping system – medically recommended, point-elastic under springing system
          • Wardrobes beneath the lengthways single beds, easily accessible from the front and above thanks to the lift function – outstanding interior height due to lowering into the double floor
          • Floor-to-ceiling wardrobe
          • Rear wall design with leather-coated panel and large mirror
          • Sleeping area headliner integrated in the furniture design, high-gloss ivory version with indirect ambient lighting and four LED spotlights
          • Standard TV cabinet, extra long TV pull-out system (optional)
          • High quality 7-zone quality cold foam mattress with breathable climate quilting
          Schlafbereich eines integrierten Wohnmobils mit einem geräumigen Queensbett

          Models I 51 QB, I 51 QB DA, I 64 XL QB

          Queen-size bed in 200 cm king-sized format with self-supporting head sections
          • Carawinx sleeping system – medically recommended, point-elastic under springing system
          • Two wardrobes at either side of the queen-size bed
          • Two large drawers at the front of the queen-size bed
          • Floor-to-ceiling wardrobe (I 64 XL QB)
          • Unique: pull-out TV wall and room divider for partitioning off the bathroom area with TV holder, TV enjoyment in two positions possible (I 64 XL QB: Bathroom separable via solid wood sliding doors)
          • Rear wall design with leather-coated panel and large mirror
          • Sleeping area headliner integrated in the furniture design, high-gloss ivory version with indirect ambient lighting and four LED spotlights
          • High quality 7-zone quality cold foam mattress with breathable climate quilting

          chic e-line technology & standard equipment.



          Ansicht des Fahrerhauses eines integrierten Reisemobils mit Sitzgruppe und ausgefahrenem TV

          Fiat Ducato driver’s cabin

          "Sky Dream Comfort” option with all-round overhead storage cabinets above the driver’s cabin and the lounge seating area (Leather Sand Performance world of living)

          Ansicht des Fahrerhauses eines Wohnmobils mit Sitzgruppe und Wohnraumtisch

          Mercedes-Benz Sprinter driver’s cabin

          Standard version with drop-down bed and overhead storage cabinets at the sides (depending on model) (Leather Sand Performance world of living)


          Electrical equipment, water supply, warm air storage heating technology


          Additional heat radiation in driver’s cabin area

          Aluminium wall heating effect

          “Easy change” gas bottle compartment

          Central water drain

          Electrical centre

          Battery centre

          ALDE warm water central heating

          Optional: electric power package unlimited

          Battery centre

          Additional heat radiation in driver’s cabin area

          by means of heat convectors, therefore less cold radiation into the driver’s cabin / living area from the windscreen

          Aluminium wall heating effect

          On the insides of the wall: Heat storage and wall heating at the same time with 1000-times better heat conduction than conventional wooden interior walls

          “Easy change” gas bottle compartment

          extra-low, one-handed hatch operation, convenient replacement of individually accessible gas bottles

          Central water drain

          and water tanks in the frost-protected double floor; can also be operated from the outside through the XL habitation door

          Electrical centre

          easily accessible in scooter garage

          Battery centre

          chic e-line single axle vehicle: Battery centre lowered into climate storage double floor storage compartment at passenger side, optional 90 Ah lithium-ion battery including battery computer and separate touch display

          ALDE warm water central heating

          with numerous convectors throughout the climate storage double floor, the living area, in the scooter garage, the driver’s cabin and in the cold-sensitive door entrances. Heat booster beneath the driver’s seat

          Optional: electric power package unlimited

          Including: 3x 100 Ah lithium-ion-batteries (Mastervolt) including battery computer for a total of 300 Ah, digital control panel to access energy management information, "Mastervolt CombiMaster" inverter/charger

          Battery centre

          chic e-line double axle vehicle: gel batteries 2 x 80 Ah in heated double floor on passenger side and main power switch.


          Die coming home Funktion kann mit dem Öffnen des Reisemobils eingeschalten werden

          “coming home” function

          with remote control in main key for simultaneous activation of central locking and exterior lighting

          Busspiegel eines integrierten Reisemobils im Fahrerhaus auf der Fahrerseite

          “Carthago best view” bus mirror

          with large main mirror and wide-angle mirror

          Seitenansischt der Fahrerseite eines Wohnmobils mit der Fahrerhaustür mit Sicherheits-Doppelverriegelung

          Passengers door

          with safety double locking system, electric window and low door entrance

          Carthago full LED headlights

          including dipped and main beam and daytime driving lights with LED fibre optics - fatigue-free driving even at dusk and during the night due to optimum road surface illumination

          Heckansicht eines Reisemobils mit einem Nummernschild und einer LED Beleuchtung

          Stylish GRP bus rear

          with separate rear bumper, and rear lights with modern dynamic LED indicators

          Seitenansicht eines integrierten Reisemobils von der Beifahrerseite mit der Aufbautür in den Wohnraum

          “Safetyluxe” XL habitation door

          with extra-strong and stable door, wider passage size of 63 cm, large door window, secure double locking, three high-stability parallelogram steel hinges, integrated pleated blackout blind and insect screen roller blind

          Electric pleated windscreen blind

          With individually programmable privacy and sun visor function

          Ambiente Beleuchtung im Wohnbereich eines Reisemobils mit gemütlichen Lichtakzenten

          Ambient lighting

          with infinitely variable dimming function (mood light)

          Ansicht der Schubladen und Dachschränke in der Küche und des Wohnraums in einem Wohnmobil

          Electric central locking

          in kitchen area including bar cabinet and shoe cabinet

          Dusche und Waschbecken im Raumbad eines Reisemobils mit Zahnputzbecher und Seifenspender

          Comfort luxury bathroom or XL bathroom

          with modern rain shower and headroom of 198 cm in the shower and an additional hand shower (depending on model)

          Unterfederung für die Matratze im Schlafbereich eines Reisemobils mit Matratze

          Carawinx sleeping system

          with medically recommended, point-elastic under-springing system and 7-zone quality cold foam mattress including adjustable head sections

          Fahrerhaus eines integrierten Wohnmobils mit Bordtechnik und großes Frontscheibe

          Carthago driver's cab thermal concept

          Carthago driver's cab thermal concept with insulated double glazing in the driver's cabin, including a convector package beneath the driver’s seat and additional heating of the dashboard surface


          chic e-line awards & opinions

          VOTE COUNTS

          “Our Carthago motorhome is ideally suited for a pleasure trip. All the golf equipment, from the e-trolley to the cart bag and two e-bikes will fit into the spacious, integrated motorhome garage without problems, and there’s still enough room for the barbecue and outdoor furniture. You can’t get more quality of life than that!”

          chic e-line

          “A very well thought out and useful concept. To the right of the wide, fully closing habitation door, the L-shaped seating area has a side bench, which simultaneously acts as a step for accessing the drop-down bed, which is lowered by pulling a handle. This means that there is no need for an additional ladder.”

          Auto Bild Reisemobil
          chic e-line I 50 LE DA

          “We enjoy travelling in the winter months. With our chic e-line, we have completely reliable technology, excellent comfort and plenty of room, even for bulky items such as ski equipment. The even heat distribution of the heater and the underfloor heating effect mean that we are never cold in the motorhome but have a cosy well-being temperature even during the winter.”

          Werner Wendler


          Motorhome of the year


          Motorhome of the year


          Motorhome of the year


          Motorhome of the year


          Motorhome of the year


          Motorhome of the year


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den ersten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2023" für den teilintegrierten chic c-line


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den ersten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2023" für den vollintegrierten chic c-line


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den ersten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2023" für den teilintegrierten chic c-line


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den dritten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2023" für den teilintegrierten c-tourer


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den dritten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2023" für den teilintegrierten c-tourer


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den ersten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2022" für den teilintegrierten c-tourer


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den zweiten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2022" für den teilintegrierten chic c-line


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den ersten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2022" für den vollintegrierten chic c-line c-tourer


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den ersten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2022" für den teilintegrierten c-tourer


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den zweiten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2022" für den vollintegrierten chic e-line


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den zweiten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2022" für den vollintegrierten chic e-line


          Motorhome of the year

          Auszeichnung für den zweiten Platz bei "das Reisemobil des Jahres 2022" für den teilintegrierten chic c-line


          Motorhome of the year