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How it helps you in cold temperatures.

To ensure that you can enjoy your motorhome even at low temperatures in winter, we have compiled the most important facts about the frost guard in this report.
 What is the frost guard?
 To prevent the water in the boiler from freezing at low temperatures, a magnetic valve opens a drain at an ambient temperature of no more than 3 degrees. This drains the water before it can freeze.
 The Truma Frostcontrol safety valve also protects the water system against overpressure. If the pressure in the water system exceeds 3.5 bar, the valve discharges water intermittently via a drain connection.
 The frost monitor (if installed) is always located by the drain tap.
 If you want to empty the water system, you don't have to empty the contents completely into the waste water tank via the taps. The upper rotary switch is used to open the drain valve manually. If the rotary switch is in line with the safety valve, the drain valve is open. If the rotary switch is at right angles to the Frost Control, the valve is closed and the water remains in your water system.
 If you want to fill the water system, the motorhome must first be heated. This is because the valve can only be closed manually from a temperature of 7 degrees. 

How the frost monitor works

We have briefly summarised the functionality of the frost guard in the video.